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What it's Like to Live with OCD

Hi Everyone,

I recently ran across this article and thought it worth sharing. It nicely illustrates some of the more challenging aspects of living with OCD. Most people are aware of the hand washing/checking aspects of OCD or perhaps think that most people with OCD have their closets/drawers all carefully organized. While this may be true for some people, it greatly oversimplifies what it can be like to have some of the more challenging forms of OCD. As this article shows, for many people having OCD is excruciating. Most people go years before they receive an accurate diagnosis and so suffer in silence. During those years before they receive a diagnosis, they walk around feeling/worrying that they may be evil/dangerous people. And they have these worries despite the fact that they are virtually always the least likely to harm anyone. Even after receiving a diagnosis and receiving appropriate treatment, the doubts about what type of people they really are may diminish to some degree, but often still linger for years. I have written about this before and so you might want to have a look at this earlier blog post as well as the article listed below:

OCD could be the world's most misunderstood mental illness. It's also one of the most treatable

Let me know if you have any questions and if I can be of any help.

Stay safe,

Dr Bob

Robert McLellarn